Friday, October 12, 2012

Carving out the Light

My goal was to display the unique shadows that the pumpkins cast on each other and make the pumpkins look as realistic as possible. I accomplished the shadows by making some areas extremely dark and fading the shadows as they got closer to the light. My picture is about dramatic shadows because the stem casted a very dark vivid shadow and the the pumpkins cast shadows on each other. The challenge was to get the shape of the pumpkins without making the pumpkins look too flat. My painting really works where the closest pumpkin is. The pumpkin looks lighted yet has dark shadows. I have learned that the use of values can make a painting look more realistic. I learned from If I had a do over I would take my time on the pumpkins in the back, I noticed that I sort of rushed the process in the back. I feel good about the pumpkin towards the front, It does look realistic.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Family

This is my mom. She is one of the most important people in my life. We do a lot of things together because we are very close.

This is my best friend Joe. We always can make each other laugh. I could call him my other half.

this is my grandmother, who is another important lady in my life. She always looks out for me and I am also very close to her.

This another one of my best friends. His name is Connor. He is also very special to me, we are very close and we both make sure the other is happy at all times.

This is my mom, my aunt, and our friend Mrs. Joyce. We always have sunday dinner at my aunt's house and watch football, baseball, and hockey games together.

This is my goddaughter Lilly. She is so smart and I care about her very much. I have loved her ever since she was born and I will always be there for her.

Monday, October 1, 2012

JPG challenge 2 Place I would like to be

This is a castle I visited in Scotland. This is Edinburgh castle. I took this when I visited Scotland over Spring last year.  I love castles and seeing one in real life was amazing. I hope to travel to other places when I am older. I love learning about other parts of the world.